Hashish: A Smuggler’s Tale

Title: Henry de Monfreid's "Hashish: A Smuggler's Tale"
Published by: Penguin Classics
Release Date: 5. Juli 2007 (New Edition)
Pages: 224
ISBN13: 978-0141442105


Quotation from the Book
"I didn't know exactly what hashish was..... I knew only two things - that it was grown in Greece and sold very dear in Egypt."

Bemerkung zu diesem Buch
Leider habe ich diese Novelle nur in einer englischen Ausgabe gefunden. Henry de Monfreid hat über 30 Bücher geschrieben, alles autobiografische Erzählungen aus seinen Abenteuern, Original nur in französischer Sprache. Da ich in dieser Sprache nur Bier bestellen kann bleibt mir dieser Schatz (vermutlich für immer) verborgen. Dieses Buch (Edition 1994) habe ich dem "Fallout" einer englischen Bibliothek entreisen können!

Content of the Book (Book N°. 2)
Henry de Monfreid is a great sailor, his ship his magic carpet, his dream complete independence - the smuggling of hashish his means to achieve it.

From Greece to Marseilles to Dijbouti and to the Suez. THe voyage is beset with difficulties, with storms and a shortage of supplies. His progress is studded with unforgettable encounters - with an Anglophile Maltese police commissioner, Bedouin camel-drivers, a marooned fisherman and, everywhere, inquisitive custom officials.

Henry de Monfreid's remarkable memoir has echoes of the Odyssey. It also has sense of living history - the effects of colonialism, the myriad foreign interest at stake in the region, the ugly oil wells looming ominously on the shoreline, all frame the personal story. Shrewd, witty and tough, the Monfreid recounts his adventures with an astonishing dream-like power.

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